Locations: Ebute-Meta | Ilupeju | Festac

Ten Interesting Eye Facts

1. Humans do not really use their eyes to see. It is the brain! Poor vision beresults of technical problems in the brain’s visual cortex. Other conditions like cataract, glaucoma can lead to poor or blurry vision.

2 . Your eyes have the fastest muscle inyour body. Hence, the phrase “In the blink of an eye”.

3. Human eye blinks 17 times every minute on an average. One blink lasts 100- 150 millisecond.

4.  80 percent of our memories are determined by what we see.

5. The pupil of the human eye expands as much as 45 percent when you look at someone you love.

6.  A fingerprint has 40 unique characteristics, but the iris has 256. This is the reason retina scans are increasingly being used for security purposes.

7.   There are about 39 million people that are blind around the world.

8.  People who are blind can see their dreams if they were not born blind.

9.  No human in this world can sneeze without closing eyes.

10. The night vision of tigers is six times better than that of humans.