Locations: Ebute-Meta | Ilupeju | Festac

Seeing Clearly: Refractive Errors in Children

Child with Glasses

August is the holiday season, and the children have more leisure time and engage in recreational and sporting activities. It is important to take necessary precautions to avoid injury.

In order to avoid eye injuries this period, we should ensure that the kids have age-appropriate toys (without sharp edges that can harm the eye), wear swimming goggles, sunshades or helmets when the need arises, no chemicals are kept within their reach, have reduced screen time and engage in more outdoor activities and encourage them to wash their hands regularly to avoid contamination.

Often times, visual problems in children go undetected and it could have negative effects on their development. The common refractive errors in children are myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism.

Myopia, also known as near sightedness, occurs when images form in front of the retina and the child has difficulties seeing objects at far. Hyperopia, commonly known as long sightedness, occurs when images are formed behind the retina and the child might have difficulties doing close tasks. Astigmatism occurs because the cornea (sometimes the lens) is not perfectly curved. This results in blurry vision in both near and far distances. When refractive error is left uncorrected, it might result in amblyopia (a condition where the eyes become lazy and even glasses might not help the child see optimally) and eventually, visual impairment.

If you notice your child has to move close to the television or squints to see objects at far, miscalls/skips letters when reading or writing from the board, has reading difficulties, itches eyes frequently, has red/swollen eyes or complains of headaches, kindly ensure they have their eyes checked by an eyecare professional. Refractive errors cannot be prevented but are mostly managed with the use of spectacle lenses or contact lenses depending on the age, visual need of the child and parents’ consent. It is pertinent to note that no child is too small to wear “glasses” and “glasses” will not spoil your child’s eyes, they only help to improve vision when they are worn.

Do not take eye complaints from your child for granted. You do not have to wait till they are literate or have visual complaints before you take them for eye examination. The best time to have their eyes checked is now. Ensure your child has a comprehensive eye exam before going back to school. Your child’s sight is our priority.

Schedule an appointment for your child today on our website or in any of our branches. Also, follow us on social media for more information and safety tips for children’s eye health.

Have a blessed month.