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Helpful Tips To Protect Your Eyes During Raining Season

The raining season is here again.

Most of us generally enjoy this season. The raindrops brings the smile on many faces. However, it also brings along with it a string of microorganisms coupled with numerous viruses that contaminate the eyes with damaging infections.

Do you have a swollen eye? Do you have itching or sandy sensation in youe ey? If your answer is yes, then it is time you take precautionary measures to prevent your eyes from eye diseases. 

The most common eye diseases that occur during the rainy season is conjunctivitis (“pink eye”or “Apllo”)

The front of your eyes has a thin transparent membrane called the conjunctiva. When the membrane gets inflammed/ swollen and reddened it is termed “conjunctivitis”. People with conjunctivitis may experience itching, redness and swelling of the eyes, with or without mucus discharge from the eye. The most common causes of conjuncivitis are infections from bacteria and viruses; contact with pollens and dust. 

These are the different types of conjunctivits

Bacterial Conjunctivits: This is a very common type of conjunctivitis and it is caused by various strains of bacteria. It is characterized by excretion of sticky discharge from the eyes. This infectious disease is usually treated with the use of antibiotics and may heal within a week or two.

Allergic Conjunctivitis: This is usually caused by allergens like pollens, dust mites or generally anything that could irritate the eye. Allergic conjunctivitis presents with no sticky discharge from the eyes but accompanied by itching in the eye. Treatmet is aimed at relieving the discomfort from itching by use of anti-allergy eye drops.

Viral Conjunctivitis: This is another infectios type of conjunctivitis caused by viruses and spread through coughing, sneezing e.t.c. It usually starts in one eye then spread to the other eye in a few days. It is similar to allergic conjunctivitis but can be distinguished by the presence of peri-auricular lymph nodes which your eye doctor will discover during the examination. Viral conjunctivitis resolves on its own through the eye antibodies; however, eyedrops and anthistamines are given to releive ocular discomfort of itching.

Some tips to protect your eyes this season

1. Keeping clean: A clean body brings in minimum infection. Washing hands properly will help you stay clean. Do not share towels and stay away from person affected with conjunctivitis.

2. Wear your glasses or sunglasses: Eyes are very sensitive, and hence it is crucial to protect them from and heavy dust and heavy rainfall. Wear your glasses to help prevent dust from entering into the eyes.

3. Don’t share make-up: Make-up comes out easily during rainy season, so always use waterproof eye make-up and never share it with others. Aviod using cosmetic producs during infection.

4. Don’t rub your eyes: Avoid rubbing your eyes as this will increase the chances of spreading the infection.

5. Get professional care: Schedule an appointment with your eye doctor if you experience any change in your vision or experience discomfort. Do not use medications without consulting with your eye doctor.