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Do Eye Problems Indicate COVID-19

Red Eye

COVID-19 has definitely changed the approach of the medical world in responding to its development and the eye doctors are not left out.

The AAOS stated on its website that the eye findings may have instead represented fluid overload in extremely sick patients.

Fluid overload is a common phenomenon that occurs in patients experiencing failure in the kidney or heart.

When these vital organs fail to maintain the required delicate balance. The fluids tend to be stored in different parts of the body, the eye potentially included.

Out of the 12 patients with the ocular findings, four were moderately ill, two were severely ill, and six had a critical condition.

Also read, These Eye Problems Could be Symptoms of Covid-19

So we may conclude that maybe not all of them actually suffered from pink eye,

However, this wasn’t the first study to report eye-related symptoms for those having the coronavirus.

In a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine. Data on 1,099 patients with confirmed COVID-19 cases from 552 hospitals in China was reviewed.

Only nine of these patients did have congestion, which appears to be a bit like a traffic jam rather than some combination of the earlier-mentioned eye symptoms.

From indications, these aren’t big numbers enough of people with possibilities of COVID-19.

This implies that the rate of eye symptoms for COVID-19 is much lower than 31.6%.

Nevertheless, these studies suggest that infection of the eyes is quite possible.

So all we can say is that with the continual spread of COVID-19, one should make concerted efforts to protect the eyes.

For now, if it’s possible, it will be good to cancel any eye-related appointments except it is necessary.

But urgent problems such as loss of vision, or unexplained eye pain can call for an appointment.

Nevertheless, it would be good if you check with your eye doctor first before making a visit for any already scheduled non-appointment.

If you are a contact lens user, for now, you can consider wearing eyeglasses to reduce the number of times you touch which may eventually contaminate your eyes.

In conclusion, while cough, fever other respiratory symptoms appear to be the most common symptoms of COVID-19, this study has helped to provide some evidence that these symptoms can be of various significant differences.

Much still lies to learn about COVID-19 especially as related to the eye, so it is quite unnecessary to assume that some eye problems may be signs of COVID-19.

They could simply be the result of allergies or other types of eye infections.