According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, it has been recommended that wearers of contact lenses make a switch to using glasses for some period as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
You can read our previous post here on COVID-19 and contact lens wear
But it is of utmost importance that patients should understand the reason for this recommendation.
A contact lens can be a cause of itching and irritation, sometimes when some tiny objects drop into your eye, you tend to rub it because you probably felt some discomfort.
The next thing you are likely to do is to rub your eyes while having the contact lens present.
At this point, it is no longer new that you are not expected to touch your eyes, mouth and nose.
If you do, then you are potentially introducing the virus into your eye, if your hands are carrying the virus.
Be mindful that the human eyes are connected to the nose, so if it finds its way to the respiratory tract, it will blossom.
If there is a need to rub the eye, it is preferable to use a paper tissue that can be disposed of thereafter.
Dry eyes can also be another reason to rub your hands against the eye.
The use of moisturizers here isn�t out of place, however, you need to ensure that your hands are clean before applying the drops into your eyes.
The use of eye glasses also provides some layer of protection.
Using them rather than contact lens can help to protect your eyes from droplets emerging from sneezing and coughing when you are around a COVID-19 patient.
However, it isn�t 100% guaranteed because the droplets could find their way via the other side, nevertheless, it appears to be safer than contact lens in times like this.
The use of glasses also potentially stops the user from touching the eye as it is easier to touch the eye with contact lens than to do so when wearing eye glasses.
If contact lenses make your eye to feel itchy, it would be better to switch to eye glasses in this period. Reaching to rub your eyes may be very tempting when you feel irritated.
However, if you still decide to hold on to your contact lens, make sure you perform thorough handwashing before you take them in or out.